Fenner Mobile Mammography Center
Save The Kids Green Haven Project
On Friday January 10th Both parents as well as students at the LLC had wonderful events thank to wonderful supporters.
To start off FIU provided the women of the LLC and the community with the opportunity to be seen on the FIU Linda Fenner 3D Mobile Mammography Center. The Mobile Center was parked outside of the LLC and offered free mammograms to all those who came. The Mobile unit was busy from 12pm to 6pm, every appointment was filled! stay tune for the next time The Linda Fenner 3D Mobile Mammography Center will be at the LLC.
While Parents were taking part in the free mammograms, the students were taking part in the the Green Haven Project. Citizens for a better South Florida, along with David from Save the Children/Green Haven Project put in some time and effort into making our amazing vegetable garden flourish once again. With some Tender love, care and some hard work they were able to strip the weeds, add new soil and plant a whole new garden of Vegetables. The students learned what it takes to build and maintain a garden along with the importance of being self sufficient.
Thank you to all the partners and supporters that made both amazing projects happen. Thank you to the staff and students for partaking in such great events.